The play was transformed into a short movie and premiered on 12 June.
An academy to interrogate the social role of festivals
Festival Academy focused on the MENA, Balkans and Elefsina
The University of Pretoria is establishing a relationship with the University of Panama. I was invited to present a lecture on cultural diplomacy.
Saturday evening with students at UCT discussing the Creative Sector in South Africa
Christopher Hibma invited me to participate in a film they are putting together for Ettijahat on building careers in the performing arts.
Festival Academy hosts an online Atelier for Festival Managers on the use of digital platforms in a time of pandemics.
STAND Foundation participates in a forum with cultural leadership programmes from three other continents.
Sustainability and the arts was the subject of a panel discussion hosted by German theatres on 12 April.
March was the month for STAND's summer school of short courses
An opportunity for people in the dance and theatre sector to meet physically.
Interrogating cultural diplomacy