By Mike van Graan

Angels and Subscribers

This document outlines ways in which you can support MVG Productions and provides a link to indicate how you wish to do so.

Response to Nathi Mthethwa, Minister of Arts and Culture

The minister of arts and culture responded to my article in the Daily Maverick Herewith, my response to his response (published in the Daily Maverick on 6 March 2019).

One Settler, One Ballet?

If ever there was an indication of just how elitist and out of the touch the ruling party is with its electorate, it was Minister Tito Mboweni ending his maiden budget speech with a pledge to “consider proposals for a new national theatre, a new national museum…a national orchestra and ballet troupe.”

Angels and Subscribers

This document outlines the background and challenges to sustainability for theatre-makers and offers four ways in which people may support MVG Productions.

Rethinking Culture

Presentation made at the first Future Africa seminar on culture and development